Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Say yes to the dress.

So my banquet is not happening, which sucks. Completely.
So, what is next to look foward/stress about?

I've always been obsessed with prom dresses, because I have so many older friends and cousins who've gone to prom before me. I've gotten to see all of their dresses, now it's time for mine. So exciting.

Here's a few I've looked at just browsing.

Choice One:

Choice Two:

Choice Three:

Choice Four:

Clearly, these are not the only choices I have, but just some pretty beautiful dresses to base opinions off of.
What do you think?


  1. ahhh I love choice two! It's so contemporary and unique, I don't think anyone else is going to wear one too similar.

  2. thanks! I love that one too, I think it's different than most.

