Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5 random facts!

Hey everyone :) So i'm sorry for the lack of posting, this past week has been kind of crazy. I will be posting a birthday haul, and possibly a video also, so keep checking for that! For this post, I'm going to do a quick tag post.

In this post, you pick the 5 facts about you that maybe alot of people don't know, wouldn't guess, or wouldn't believe about you! So here are mine!:

*-Number one: I use to never ever ever wear makeup, or do my hair. I was a complete tom-boy, not that there is anything wrong with not doing your makeup or anything. Now, I'm in cosmetology school, and people I haven't seen in a while can't believe I walk around in dresses, with my hair done, and makeup on!

*-Number two: Alot of people think shopping is my favorite thing to do in the entire world, which..yes it's up top on my list. But my all time favorite thing to do, is go fishing with my dad in the summer. Girly? Not so much. But ever since I was little, my dad takes me to the beach every summer, and we go fishing. And I am actually pretty good. Now, I'm still a girl..i WILL NOT touch the fish and whatnot, but i love spending time with my dad and I always have alot of fun.

*-Number three: I have alot of really incredible friends. I have a few that i'd give anything for. One, I've known my entire life, literally. She's my other half and I'm almost always with her. Another, I've known since about 4th grade. He's my hero, and I love him with all of my heart. Over the years, we've both changed alot, he even moved! But we talk every day and the distance only made us closer. The last one I'm going to talk about may be confusing..but I get it, and so does he. We've actually never met, but over the past few years I've been talking to him, he has become one of my best friends, and I can not wait til i can hug him!

*-Number four: I break phones like it's a religion. I don't know why, or how..but my phones always seem to break! I think I've had probably over 10 now...which is ridiculous, even I know that.

*-Number five: I have a big birthmark, that is on around my left eye, and goes down, a little of my cheek. Most people don't see it, because I have side bangs. It's not like, sticking out, it's just a darker area on my face. I personally think it looks like florida :). I use to hate it, and thought it looked like dirt, but now, i think it's unique. No one else that I know of has a birthmark like me :)

I'm pretty boring, my five random facts are just a little corky, and may not seem unique or strange to you, but to me they are! If you like going fishing, are a tom boy, have a weird birth mark..or any facts that you find unlikely, tell me! I think these posts let readers know a little more about me.
So thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll talk to you soon.

Ps. The next time i post, I'll be seventeen!

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