Saturday, April 10, 2010

I felt infinite.

A really common question asked on a bunch of surveys I read, are the questions like..

- Where is your favorite place in the world?
- What makes you the happiest?
- When were you the happiest?

The answer to my question lies in the back roads of the east coast, and on a lake.
There was a night last summer that I'll never forget in my life. My sister, parents, and I, packed up my dads ford..a decided we'd go to my family's house in the Poconos. The house there is the answer to any question that is like..if you could go somewhere right now, where would you be. I always say that house. So we were on our way to that house, and you have to drive though no-wheres-land New Jersey and Pennsylvania to get there from New York. Those back roads that we take are beautiful. Absolutely, breathtaking to say the least.

It was night, and we were driving. Just got out of a two hour traffic jam on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway..where we sat next to a garbage truck in about 97 degree, thick, humid, New York heat. Seeing open road was the breath of fresh air we all needed. I just remember that Free Falling came on, by Tom Petty. I remember staring out the window, and being the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I don't know why. But I guess it was a mixture of the infinite beauty that surrounded me, the fact that I was with my family..and my Dad, who works all summer..and that Free Falling is the best song ever. I sat back and opened my window, loving every second of it. I didn't care what makeup I had on, or what I was wearing.

There is a line in the book " The Perks Of Being A Wallflower " that reads..." and in that moment, I felt infinite." That's the only way that I can describe how I felt.
I was alive. I had no cares. I was happy.

That's when I was my happiest. Whenever I go on that road, I put on free falling, and fall in love again.

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