Friday, May 6, 2011


I'm a bit late on this, but then again when am I ever on time?
Oh well. Hello again, whomever is currently reading this.
Like I do with every month, I'm going to ramble a bit...

I cannot believe April is over, and Spring is finally here. It's finally hitting me how horrified I am of growing older. I have a little under a month left of high school. For three years I've been dreaming of these months and thinking of how exciting it must be to graduate and be a senior in their last days of gracing the halls of the school which they hated. The thing is, I didn't hate my school, really. I disliked a lot of things about it, or people, but hate is a very strong word. The place that I'm leaving is the place that shaped me into the person that I am today, and the building in which I grew to love many of my best friends. A lot of those friends, however, will be leaving to go on to bigger and better things within the next few months. This, is the part that scares me. I'm sure any senior right now is kind of nodding their head in agreement.
Some of my closest friends will be traveling many miles away to achieve their dreams. I am dreading graduation at this point, not because I'm leaving school, but because I'm leaving them, and leaving the past four years of my life down a couple of walls in a building that I was terrified of as a child.
These are the best and worst days of Senior Year. I finally realized that I have to work to achieve what I want, and the day a child realizes that, they grow up. And it sucks. A lot. I've realized how stressful adulthood is within my first two months of actually being an adult. And the year flies by, and then it's May of your Senior year.

And then suddenly, everything is okay. You take a deep breath, and take it all in. And you realize that you'll never lose those friends if they're worth keeping by. And that growing up is actually amazing, and you can experience so much more. And then Spring is here, and in less then a month, I'll be college bound. And I'm excited, and horrified at the same time.

So good luck, to everyone this May, whether or not you're my age, younger , or older. A lot is about to change, so enjoy every moment while it lasts.

- K.

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