Monday, July 18, 2011


These past few days have been quite eye opening for me.
I cannot believe how truly ridiculous some people are.

I have been friends with a very amazing person for about six years now. Through their ups and downs, I've never left their side. I couldn't imagine living my life without their daily words of inspiration and pure kindness. Until today.

After a conversation about religion, all of a sudden, this persons views of me as a person completely changed. As a very devout christian, this person didn't realize that my views of God and all things holy are a bit different than theirs. Instantly, they became very persistant, telling me that my soul is in danger, and that I need to study the bible. They told me that they were fearfull for my well being, and someday if " I ever make it to Heaven's gate, God may turn me away and say they never knew me as his child." I'm not one to usually take things to heart but this struck me completely off guard.

I don't understand why such a beautiful friendship is ending. I don't understand why views of a person are strictly based of the belief in a higher power. I do believe in God, but my ideas often change, as does everyday life.

I'm not one to rant, but I needed to get this off my chest.

How dare you judge me based on my own relationship with God? I have stood by your side through thick and thin and this is what I get in return?

I'm sick to my stomach. I just lost a piece of my last 6 years in a couple of text messages. People change.

C'est La vie.

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