The answer wasn't that hard to find. Her hair is naturally like that and is touched up with a curling iron. But any old curling iron won't produce spiral curls like she has.
You'll need an iron with no clamp, meaning the piece that normally holds the hair in place as your wind the hair around the barrel.
You can find them anywhere, and I know that a lot of them are really reallllly expensive, meaning like two hundred dollars. Me, being cheap.. was not going out and spending two hundred dollars on an iron.
WELL, like usual, I was in target one day and found the answer to my prayers. It's the "Conair Infiniti " You Curl"" curling iron. Its the same thing as the hundred and something dollar impersonators and does the exact same thing, but for a much afforable price. It heats up to 400 degrees and has 5 heat settings. It retailed in Target for like forty dollars....AMAZING.

What you do, is press the on button and choose a heat setting, give it about 45 seconds, then take any size piece of hair and wrap it around the barrel. In all truth, it does feel awkward because you do have to hold the hair in place yourself, which you usually don't with a normal iron. For a strong tight curl, hold the hair in place for about 20-30 seconds, for looser curls, give it about 10-15. After you've curled your whole head, run your fingers through, and shake your head out to loosen the curls up a bit. Then, flip your head and spray your hair lightly with a good hairspray to help secure the curls.
And the results will probably look something like this..

Simply, and honestly, the best forty dollars I've ever spent in my life. Because of the fact that it heats up so quickly, it takes me around 15 minutes to curl my whole head..which with a regular iron would probably take around an hour. I like to sleep late, so that extra forty five minutes is heavenly. Also, the curls last really long, and you can sleep with them in and still wake up with perfect hair.
I would definitely recommend trying this iron out if you like the effect or look of Taylor Swift style hair.
BUON bei capelli!
( enjoy your beautiful hair!)
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