I live in New York, I have for 17 years and 7 months. September 11th, 2001 was 9 years ago today. I was in elementary school, and about an hour after class started, the class emptied out to about six kids, including me. No one knew what was going on, the teacher kept leaving the room, the windows were locked, blinds closed, radios off. The school shielded the students (who hadn't already left from the world). They had to hide the fact that the United States, who stood so tall, was under attack by terrorists..people who hated us, who didn't care that they were about to viciously murder thousands of helpless, selfless, innocent victims. The world stopped moving. Lives were stolen. Mothers, fathers,children, sisters, brothers, friends, coworkers, strangers..were taken from this world.
September 11th, a day that will forever live on in history as a day that the US stood together, for once, even for one of those seconds, and believed in strength. The strength of the fire fighters, the police, the emts, the workers, everyone..who was on the east coast the day of the attacks. The day the planes crashed, the towers collapsed, the tears fell.

Even if you're not from New York, tell someone you love them today. Life's too short, you never know what's going to happen when you get in your car, on a train, a plane, or go to work. It's too delicate to waste hating, fighting, and simply not enjoying the moments we have here. Light a candle in remembrance, and pray for those who lost their loved ones, those who lost it all.
Rest in Peace, you beautiful angels. You will never be forgotten, ever.
- Kristen.
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