Eighteen. The big 1-8.
August 21, today, is my best friend of like a bazillion years, birthday. It's gonna be a day to celebrate, because eighteen only happens once. When you turn 18..you can legally get : lottery tickets, tattoos, piercings, change your name, get married and divorced, sign yourself out of school, vote, and other so many other wonderful things that you could never ever do!
Our first "real" picture together. AHAHA.

Sharing a love of music, laguna beach, shopping and the cheesecake factory, Kerri and I have become a team, that really shouldn't be aloud to hangout. She constantly is adding to my addiction of shopping, and makeup. It's quite sick actually. But seriously, to have someone who you know will always be there for you, is a really rare thing. Our dads actually grew up together, and I hope the same will happen with Kerri and I.

I really, actually, hate her. We're not friends, I don't know why I'm writing this.
LOL, jk.
But for real, for the last few years Kerri and I got really close, and I can honestly say I hope I never loose her as a friend, because it would be like loosing a sister. This summer, we're basically hungout, or talked, on a daily basis. But this year, I'm working on her birthday!
lol jk.

BUT AGAIN, for real.
Kerri, I hope 18 is everything it's made out to be. I love you to death and I hope your birthday is amazing. Happy birthday, from me..and the cheesecake.
Love Always,


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