A bit early, yes I know. But August thirty-first, is a very important day. It's the birthday of one of my oldest friends, Kelly. We met when we were just wee little babies, in Sunday School class, at church. Eventually..we fell in love and it was all down hill from there.

Kelly and I share a love of many things...like red velvet cupcakes, taylor swift, ralphs, boys, country music, boys, country boys, skittles and watermelon sourpatches. We taught confirmation classes at the church where we met for two years together, and talk almost everyday. She could possibly be the only person left on the entire planet that actually uses AIM.

The thing about Kelly Jane and I, is that we are..princesses. Just ask either of us, or our parents. Kelly, actually wears a light up, princess tiara from Disney world..almost on a daily basis. If I had a light up tiara..I would too.
We've been through so much together, that we're basically joined at the hip. Yet, we don't ever have classes together, because she's 800x smarter than me, and is basically taking the smartest classes in my school. We've loved boys, lost best friends, and moved on..yet remained strong as best friends. I wouldn't want to have anyone else to call and cry hysterically to because a boy I liked, kissed another girl..or my nail broke. Every girl needs a best friend who is like them, and that's where she comes in for me.

So here's to you, Princess Kelly. The post I promised you, and a promise from me..I'll be here for you through thick and thin..and will support you in anything you choose to do. I love you with all of my heart, and hope your seventeenth birthday is incredible.
Love Always,
Your peanut butter princess calender muffin notebook toaster telephone of a best friend.

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