Name: Kristen Nicole.
Age: 17
Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
Hair color: Dark Brown.
Natural color: ^^
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Type: Caucasion.
Dimples: Mhm.
Tattoos: Not yet.
Do you think you are...
Good looking? I have my days.
Smart? In some subjects.
Funny? I'd like to think so.
loving? Very.
Giving? Very.
Cheerful? Yes.
A Drama Queen? Nope.
Spoiled? I don't believe that I am.
Braty? I have my days.
Sweet? I'd like to think so.
Respectful? Yes.
A good daughter? Yes.
A good sister? Yes.
A good Girlfriend? Yes.
A true friend? Yes.
This or That...
Love or Money: Love.
Boyfriend or no Boyfriend: Either, I'd just like to be happy.
Freezers or Hot Chocolate: BOTH!
Beach or Pool: Pool.
Hawii or Italy: Italy.
Children no children: Children.
Married or no getting married: Married.
Christmas or New Years: CHRISTMAS.
Cell phone or computer: Cell phone.
Music or T.V: Music.
Snow or Rain: Snow.
Summer or Winter: Winter.
Valentines Day or Birthday: Birthday.
Who makes you...
Laugh? Friends, Family.
Cry? The ones who mean the most.
Feel Special?^^
Feel Loved?^^
Your Cell Phone...
Whats your ringtone? The intro to sweet child of mine.
Whats your wallpaper? On the outside, it's a picture from the beach, on the inside it's a picture of Kerri and I.
What Brand? Verizon
Who's first on your list? Alexa
Who's last? Twitter.
How many songs did you download? None.
Is the one you love on your list? Yes.
Your past...
Most romantic moment: An old kiss in the rain.
The happiest moment: Getting my puppy.
The sadest moment: Loosing family, or Angelica.
The Hardest moment: Moving on.
Your Future...
What do you want to be? A stylist.
Where do you want to live? Anywhere that makes me happy.
Do you want to get married? Yes.
Do you want to have kids? Yes.
What would you like their names to be? Scarlet, Layla, Christopher.
What type of wedding do you want? A quaint one, full of love.
Your Bridemaids? Sister, Kerri, fiance's whoever.
Your dress? Elegant.
Where do you want it? Somewhere beautiful.
What type and color flowers? Sunflowers, gardenias.
Your own vows or no? Yes.
Who will the flower girl be? A beautiful little girl.
Who will the ring boy be? A handsome little man.
Who was your last love? A cold hearted man.
Was your love true? Mine was.
Do you still love them? Not anymore.
Do you miss them? Sometimes.
Would you ever consider being with them again in the future? I'm no fool.
What does your heart desire? Love.
Who do you really want to be with? A beautiful, strong boy, who has no idea.
Are you single or taken? Single
Do you have someone in mind? Yes.
Are you in love? Yes.
What was your last dream about? Oh, that I was dating Nate Archibald from Gossip Girl.
Who was in it? Me, and Nate.
Your two best friends? Kerri, Patrick, Joseph.
Do you love to shop? NOPE NOT AT ALL...what.
Whats your favorite store? Torrid.
Your favorite perfume? Daisy by Marc Jacobs.
Are you a purse freak?...YES.
A shoe freak? Not so much.
Your favorite song? Guinevere by Eli Young Band..ATM.
Your favorite funny movie? The Hangover.
Romantic movie? Meet me in St. Louis.
Scary movie? Paranormal Activity.
Restuarant? The cheesecake factory.
Fast food? Not so much.
Drink? Sweet Tea.
Fruit? Strawberries.
Food type? Chinese.
Chips? Barbeque.
Ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip.
Candy/Chocolate? Gummy anything.
Favorite Band? I can't choose.
Favorite cd? An old mix tape.
Favorite singer?I can't choose.
3 favorite songs? I can't choose.
What annoys you? PET PEEVES BLOG.
What makes you happy? Love, friends, family, autumn.
Have you grown as a person in the past year? God yes.
Do you think it shows? I believe it does.
What do you want for Christmas? Snow.
Who do you want for Christmas? :)
Do you want to be kissed under the mistletoe? It'd be nice.
By who? :)
Do you want to hook up with someone by the end of the year? Hook up is such a dirty term, it's like you don't care about the person., so not really.
Who? ^
Where are you going to spend New Years? With friends.
Who do you want to spend it with? ^
Who do you wanna get kissed by at midnight? :)
Who are you thinking of right now? :)
Who do you want to spend the rest of our life with? The most amazing man in the world.