This month is like the beginning of the end, of my senior year. Within the next two weeks, I will have gone on my senior trip ( WHICH I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!) and Spring break will be over. What is left after spring break? UM...GRADUATION! I'm getting really excited for spring, although the weather forecast for tomorrow morning is a chance of snow/sleet/hail.
My senior trip consists of waking up at 4am on Friday, the 8th...and driving to Washington DC, getting a bus tour of the city, going back to our hotel, dressing up, going to a banquet, going to sleep, and it goes on and on. My class gets to go to Busch Gardens in Virginia for the day, of the 9th...all day. I'm so excited. I'm rooming with three of my best friends, so I'm kind of more excited for the bus and room than actually walking around. I realllllly also am praying that it's warm! It's so cold in NY!

Oh well..you know what they say.
" April showers, bring May flowers."

I hope everyone has a wonderful April, and once again, to whomever may stumble across this page, thank you so much for taking the time to read, or view my posts.
C'est la Vie,
Kristen Nicole.
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