I fell in love with the cream ceramic and gold backed earrings. For $4.80, how could you pass them up?! The angel wing earrings are a bit of a tarnished silver and black, with small rhinestones. They were only $3.80, and I think that they'll add a pop to a plain outfit. Gorgeous. And last but certainly not least, the gold and cream ceramic stretch ring. If you didn't know by now, I have an obsession with stretch cocktail rings, and this ring was no exception. I think it will match really well with the earrings. And for$3.80, really? Perfect.
You can always find SOMETHING in Forever21.
So go look.
Full view: Vanity and stool purchased at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Ontop:Cake stand purchased at Marshall's $10.85, glass holders purchased at a local dollar store, two for a dollar.
Left and right draws:Draw inserts purchased at Walmart. ( They're kitchen silverware organizers!)
Underneath: All oh my hair products and accessories along with a bunch of other things are in a storage saver purchased at target, and my palettes are in a desk file organizer. The stack of three Sterilite organizers were purchased from Walmart, and are holding all of my extra makeup that I do not use on a daily basis.
Opened and Inside: The top of the vanity opens, and reveals a really nice sized mirror. I keep all of my everyday makeup in this area, and it makes everything so much easier.
I was given this vanity as a gift, and it was honestly a god-send. I've wanted one for so long, simply because previous to this my makeup was shoved in these organizers and I sat on my floor to apply it every morning. Thanks mom and dad, I love it. Happy birthday to me. -K.
Everyone knows that there are days where you wake up, and makeup is the last thing you want to put on. Or, you wake up in a complete rush, with only a few minutes to look like a human being.
Here's a really fast and easy way to accomplish a dewy, neutral eye on one of those days.
Step one: Apply a highlight under the brow bone, and onto the inner corner. Try the ELF highlighter, or Highbeam by benefit. Any white, or tinted highlighter will make you appear awake, and your eyes brighter.
Step two: Conceal the top and bottom of the eye. Use any concealer to cover dark coloration or bags under your eyes. This will also help to make you appear awake, and your eyes to not look sunken in, as mine do every morning. (*I have really dark under eye circles, so I choose to use a purple based concealer, and it works wonders.)
Step three: Curl those lashes. Once again helping to enhance your eyes while seemingly brightening your face. I love curling my eyelashes, but try not to tug or pull on them.
Step Four: Apply a few coats of your favorite lengthening, or thickening mascara to the lashes. Make sure to cover from inner to outer corner, and the bottom lash line.
And you're done! Simple, yet beautiful. Try it out on one of those days and tell me what you think! C'est La Vie. -K.
Today was honestly thee most beautiful day in about four months. My best friend and I went down by the water for lunch. The temperature was around sixty-five degrees, so everyone had on short sleeves, and some sandals were present. Thank you mother nature, for this little tease of spring. I think we all needed it.
Enjoy it while it lasts, my pretties.
I'm a young makeup obsessed fashion loving,active girl who loves life. Pictures seem to capture life,I somehow can find beauty in everything. And I love to talk. So why not write about it?