15. Who do you wish you could stand under a mistletoe with?
A proper lady never kisses and tells.
16. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
My sister and I always, even still, wake up ridiculously early and check downstairs to see if Santa came. So far, every year, he has. We can't open presents without each other.
17. A photo of where you're spending Christmas?
My Christmas tree blog shows a picture of my tree, I'll be home for Christmas.
18. One person you wish you could spend Christmas with.
My family who has passed away. I wish they could see how much has changed since they left. Rest in peace.

19. Three things you hope to get for Christmas?
I posted my list, but I reallllllly want the believe ring by Disney Couture from Asos. Everything else I could buy for myself, but I'm excited to get anything!

20. Christmas is right around the corner! DID YOU SPEND ALOT OF MONEY?
My last 6 paychecks have gone to Christmas presents. SO yes.
21. Have you been drinking a lot of hot cocoa or coffee?

Actually, no! I'm surprised by myself..
Four days...this month flew.