Hey guys. So today I had off school because it's snowing..again! I seriously have never seen so much snow in one season ever! So I decided to do the 40 beauty questions tag! Remember, if you have any questions for me, just post them as a comment and I'll definitely answer them as soon as I can, so here we go!
* Section #1. Skin care-
- How many times do you wash your face daily?
Twice, sometimes three times.
- What skin type do you have?
I have normal to combo skin, meaning it's normally fine, sometimes a little oily.
- What is your current facial wash?
I'm addicted to the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Acne facial scrub.
- Do you exfoliate?
On my face, no, it's usually too harsh for me. But on my skin, yes I love it.
- what brand do you use?
Bath and Body works line exfoliators, they smell good and get the job done.
- What moisturizer do you use?
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer.
- Do you have freckles?
No I don't..but I think freckles are beautiful, and I want some!
- Do you use eye cream?
No, I haven't found one I like yet, but I need to get one.
- Do you/ did you have acne prone skin?
No I do not, I'm pretty lucky.
- Did you ever have to use proactive?
No I haven't.
- What foundation do you use?
Revlon Colorstay.
- Do you know your undertone color?
It's yellow!
**Section #2- Cosmetics:
- Do you know that you are suppposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, and I use alot of mascara so within 3 months the one I'm using is usually gone.
- What brand of mascara do you use?
Right now, I'm using Lash Blast by covergirl.
- Sephora or Mac?
I can't really compare the two, because Mac is a brand, and Sephora has a bunch of different brands. I love both.
- Do you have a mac pro card?
No I do not.
- What makeup tools do you use while during application?
All of them! Sponges, Brushes, Powder Puffs, spatulas, ect!
- Do you use makeup base primer for the eyes?
I use a tiny bit of Prime time by bare minerals on my eyes.
- What is your favorite eyeshadow color/ shade?
All that glitters by mac, it's so pretty and you can wear it everyday.
- Do you use pencil or liquid liner?
I use both, and also gel liner too!
- How often do you poke your eye with the pencil?
I use to poke myself alot, now I don't because I've become better at applying makeup.
- What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
Most pigments are gorgeous, I like them alot.
- Do you use mineral makeup?
I use the bare minerals line of makeup if that counts!
- What is your favorite lipstick?
Hue by Mac. Without a doubt.
- What is your favorite lipgloss?
Love nectar by Mac.
- What is your favorite blush to use?
Wine with everything by Revlon.
- Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
No I do not.
- Do you like drugstore makeup?
I actually love drug store makeup.
- Do you go to CCO's?
Not often, there's one about a half hour from where I live so it's not easy to get there.
- Do you ever consider taking makeup classes?
I am currently in cosmetology classes and will be studying makeup next year.
- Are you clumsy while putting on makeup?
Not at all, I pride myself in how I do my makeup, and other peoples makeup.
- Name a makeup crime you hate?
CAKEFACE. and extreme amounts of bronzer, and thick non natural looking penciled on eyebrows.
- Do you like colorful shades of makeup? Any type?
Yes! Makeup is an expression, the more colors you use, the more you express yourself.
- Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Blake Lively, & Lauren Conrad.
- If you could leave the house using just one makeup item, what would you choose?
Probably mascara!
- In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?
I like alot of different lines of makeup, I can't pick just one!
- What do you think of makeup?
I think makeup is an amazing form of art. Your face is a canvas and the makeup is the pencils and paint!
Thank you guys for reading and I'll talk to you all soon! byee!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
where have you been?
I feel like it's been forever since I'd last posted, meanwhile it's only been a few days. In my first post though, I mentioned I'm still in high school, so I've been swamped this week with homework and class work...
Also mentioned, YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY! And that's a story for you too..
So at my school every few months there is a blood drive, and I have done it probably about 4 or 5 times. Wednesday, the 24th, ( my birthday ) my school held a blood drive. I decided I'd donate, even though it was my birthday, because it felt like the right thing to do. I donated, everything went fine..i ate after...and felt perfectly normal! I ate and drank alot after like they tell you too, and went back to class. At the end of the class, I started feeling really hot and dizzy. I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse, and of course he said yes. I went to stand up, and couldn't even stand. I fainted! ON MY BIRTHDAY! i mean, comeon, who does that! I didn't fall, or hurt myself..but the nurses still made my sister come and get me!
* Not really how I planned on spending my 17th birthday, huh.
But besides that whole little episode, my birthday was a ton of fun, I went out to dinner with my family! And I have plans for this upcoming weekend. I have alot of homework to do tonight because of my early dismissal yesterday, so I will not be posting my birthday haul yet! BUT it will be up soon, and could possibly be a vlog!
Thank you everyone for the amazing amount of birthday wishes and comments I got, along with all of the concern about what happened, it truly means alot to me.
Thank you guys for reading & I'll talk to you all soon! byee!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
5 random facts!
In this post, you pick the 5 facts about you that maybe alot of people don't know, wouldn't guess, or wouldn't believe about you! So here are mine!:
*-Number one: I use to never ever ever wear makeup, or do my hair. I was a complete tom-boy, not that there is anything wrong with not doing your makeup or anything. Now, I'm in cosmetology school, and people I haven't seen in a while can't believe I walk around in dresses, with my hair done, and makeup on!
*-Number two: Alot of people think shopping is my favorite thing to do in the entire world, which..yes it's up top on my list. But my all time favorite thing to do, is go fishing with my dad in the summer. Girly? Not so much. But ever since I was little, my dad takes me to the beach every summer, and we go fishing. And I am actually pretty good. Now, I'm still a girl..i WILL NOT touch the fish and whatnot, but i love spending time with my dad and I always have alot of fun.
*-Number three: I have alot of really incredible friends. I have a few that i'd give anything for. One, I've known my entire life, literally. She's my other half and I'm almost always with her. Another, I've known since about 4th grade. He's my hero, and I love him with all of my heart. Over the years, we've both changed alot, he even moved! But we talk every day and the distance only made us closer. The last one I'm going to talk about may be confusing..but I get it, and so does he. We've actually never met, but over the past few years I've been talking to him, he has become one of my best friends, and I can not wait til i can hug him!
*-Number four: I break phones like it's a religion. I don't know why, or how..but my phones always seem to break! I think I've had probably over 10 now...which is ridiculous, even I know that.
*-Number five: I have a big birthmark, that is on around my left eye, and goes down, a little of my cheek. Most people don't see it, because I have side bangs. It's not like, sticking out, it's just a darker area on my face. I personally think it looks like florida :). I use to hate it, and thought it looked like dirt, but now, i think it's unique. No one else that I know of has a birthmark like me :)
I'm pretty boring, my five random facts are just a little corky, and may not seem unique or strange to you, but to me they are! If you like going fishing, are a tom boy, have a weird birth mark..or any facts that you find unlikely, tell me! I think these posts let readers know a little more about me.
So thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll talk to you soon.
Ps. The next time i post, I'll be seventeen!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I am sixteen..going on seventeen :)!
***Yes, you guessed it! My birthday is this week. I was born February 24,1993..meaning I'm turning 17! I feel like being 16 was so much fun, and I learned so much within the last year. I made alot of new friends, and moved on from those who had hurt me. You could say I grew up..alot..
*-So for my birthday this year, I just want to keep it simple. I'm hopefully going out with some friends and family for dinner one day this week.
I'm also going to New York City for the International Beauty Show in March. I'm lucky to be able to go twice in one week!
Within the next few days..(hopefully tomorrow) I'm going to post a birthday wish list blog..or maybe even a vlog! we'll see how everything goes.
ALSO..I just ordered a bunch of makeup and brushes from ELF cosmetics, and Coastal Scents, so when I recieve all of the products I ordered, I'm going to post a blog..!
*- Thanks for reading, and I hope to talk to you all realllll soon! bye!
Been busy & Angelica.
Just a quick message...
*- Tomorrow, February 22, 2010, is the two year anniversary of the death of one of my good friends Angelica Perna Nappi. Angelica was in a car, going to see the movies with a couple of her friends. A man who was drunk, and on drugs, crashed into the car, right on the side where Angelica was sitting. She was put on life support, but there was no real chance of her ever living a life outside of a hospital again. It was decided that the life support would be shut off on Feb. 22. It was that day that a true angel got her wings. A beautiful, talented, and extremely ambitious girl had her life taken at only 14. No one deserves to leave this earth the way she did. Tomorrow everyone in my school, is (hopefully) wearing something purple to remember such a beautiful life that was taken too soon. I'll never forget my friend Angelica, and the lessons that she brought me while she was here, and after she passed. I miss her terribly. Rest in Peace Angelica Nappi, I'll never ever forget you.
**** please, if you're reading this..if you knew Angelica, didn't, or have lost someone to a drunk driver, please wear purple tomorrow. Together, we can stop this horrific crime from happening again.
Friday, February 19, 2010
It's survey time!
Just a little survey to pass the time, repost it!
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
*- I think it's absolutely adorable. I'm not into the whole PDA thing, so..a kiss on the forehead is cute while not pushing it.
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
*- Depends on where you're going! I wore a big poofy dress to my sweet 16, but short party dresses to alot of other parties.
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?
*- I'd cry like a baby. I find it really attractive when a guy can show a sensitive side. Plus it's really romantic!
4. Group dates or single dates? depends.
*- Group dates are fun, you can see a side of the person you like or are with while they're around others. Single dates are more romantic, and you can get to know a person better.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?
*- It's annoying.
6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
*- Maybe not the best friend, but they're up there.
7. Is your hair up or down?
*- Down.
8. Do you straighten your hair?
*- Sometimes, lately i've been wearing it up.
9. Whats your favorite girly magazine?
*- Teen Vogue, Seventeen, W.
10. What's your favorite mascara?
*- Hm, this is a good question. I haven't really found a mascara that i've fallen in love with.
11. Do you get your nails done?
*- I haven't in a while. I go to cosmetology school, so we always do our nails in class.
12. Small or large purses?
*- Largeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
13. In your purse, what are your must haves?
*- Wallet, Phone, Makeupbag, Pencil Bag, tide to go, comb, waterbottle.
14. Jeans or skirts?
*- Both.
15. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable?
*- Yes, beauty isn't always comfortable.
16. Do you text message a lot?
*- I'm guilty of being a text-a-holic.
17. What would you do if you got pregnant?
*- I'd wonder how that happened, because i'm single, and i don't sleep around...
18. What's your favorite color?
*- yellow :)
19. Heels or flats?
*- Flats
20. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
*- I always cry during romantic movies. I saw dear john last night, and i cried like a baby. AND no matter how many times i see the notebook, i always end up with mascara all over my face.
21. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
*- yes.
22. Walmart or Target?
*- target, but i like walmart!
23. Do you wear collared shirts?
*- yesss.
24. Do you like preppy boys?
*- I like boys who know how to dress, no stereotype.
25. Are you spoiled?
*- People think I am, but i define someone as spoiled when they recieve alot of things and don't work for them, or don't appreciate them. I appreciate every little detail of things i recieve..and i work hard for what i do have.
26. Do you think lip gloss is the best?
*- I use too, i'm starting to fall for lipstick.
27. Do you own any big sunglasses?
*- i ONLY wear big sunglasses.
28. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
*- Hm, 45 minutes at the least.
29. Do you like to wear band aids?
*- NO! if you're wearing a bandaid, it means you have a cut!
30. Do you like skater boys?
*- He was a skater boy, she said see you later boyyyy, he wasn't good enough for her. :)
31. Do you wish there is something you could change about you?
*- Not really, I like myself right now :)
32. Gold or silver?
* white gold.
33. Do you like to receive flowers?
*- i love flowers, so yes.
34. Do you like surfer boys?
*- ^ no stereotype.
35. Do you dress up for holidays?
*- YES!
36. Do you like to wear dresses?
*- YES!
37. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
*- 1,043,832,349.
38. In the last 48 Hours have you hung out with a guy?
*- Besides my daddy? nope.
39. Do you wear lipstick?
*- everyday!
40. Would you date a guy shorter than you?
*- I'm not that tall lol, so i don't know.
43. Do you like to hold hands?
*- I don't really like PDA
44. What is the youngest you would date?
*- Hm, i don't rob the cradle, so..15?
45. What is the oldest you would date?
*- Probably 18.
46. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
*- EYES, deffinitly.
47. Is it hot when guys are sweaty?
*- Um, no.
48. What is the best possible feature in a boy?
*- a pretty smile.
49. Do you like making eye contact?
*- Yes, it's direct.
50. Do you ever picture your wedding dress and wedding?
*- Haha, i think every girl does.
52. Would you kill for chocolate?
*- I'm not really a chocolate fan.
53. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
*- I guess it depends.
54. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?
*- 783,478,902,378,947,819,047,893. <3
55. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows?
*- Not really.
56. Do you yell a lot?
*- Not negatively, i don't like too lol.
57. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
*- It's pretty rare to see me out in sweats, but i never go out in pajamas.
58. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
*- Nope.
59. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
*- ahahaha, nopppee!
60. What makeup could you not live w/out?
*- concealer, mascara and blush.
61. Do you fall in love easily?
*- Nope, i have walls around my heart haha.
62. Do you have cramps?
*- Nope.
63. Do you consider yourself pretty?
*- I don't.
64. Do you think guys will open this, even though it says girly questions?
*- You never know!
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
*- I think it's absolutely adorable. I'm not into the whole PDA thing, so..a kiss on the forehead is cute while not pushing it.
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
*- Depends on where you're going! I wore a big poofy dress to my sweet 16, but short party dresses to alot of other parties.
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?
*- I'd cry like a baby. I find it really attractive when a guy can show a sensitive side. Plus it's really romantic!
4. Group dates or single dates? depends.
*- Group dates are fun, you can see a side of the person you like or are with while they're around others. Single dates are more romantic, and you can get to know a person better.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?
*- It's annoying.
6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
*- Maybe not the best friend, but they're up there.
7. Is your hair up or down?
*- Down.
8. Do you straighten your hair?
*- Sometimes, lately i've been wearing it up.
9. Whats your favorite girly magazine?
*- Teen Vogue, Seventeen, W.
10. What's your favorite mascara?
*- Hm, this is a good question. I haven't really found a mascara that i've fallen in love with.
11. Do you get your nails done?
*- I haven't in a while. I go to cosmetology school, so we always do our nails in class.
12. Small or large purses?
*- Largeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
13. In your purse, what are your must haves?
*- Wallet, Phone, Makeupbag, Pencil Bag, tide to go, comb, waterbottle.
14. Jeans or skirts?
*- Both.
15. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable?
*- Yes, beauty isn't always comfortable.
16. Do you text message a lot?
*- I'm guilty of being a text-a-holic.
17. What would you do if you got pregnant?
*- I'd wonder how that happened, because i'm single, and i don't sleep around...
18. What's your favorite color?
*- yellow :)
19. Heels or flats?
*- Flats
20. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
*- I always cry during romantic movies. I saw dear john last night, and i cried like a baby. AND no matter how many times i see the notebook, i always end up with mascara all over my face.
21. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
*- yes.
22. Walmart or Target?
*- target, but i like walmart!
23. Do you wear collared shirts?
*- yesss.
24. Do you like preppy boys?
*- I like boys who know how to dress, no stereotype.
25. Are you spoiled?
*- People think I am, but i define someone as spoiled when they recieve alot of things and don't work for them, or don't appreciate them. I appreciate every little detail of things i recieve..and i work hard for what i do have.
26. Do you think lip gloss is the best?
*- I use too, i'm starting to fall for lipstick.
27. Do you own any big sunglasses?
*- i ONLY wear big sunglasses.
28. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
*- Hm, 45 minutes at the least.
29. Do you like to wear band aids?
*- NO! if you're wearing a bandaid, it means you have a cut!
30. Do you like skater boys?
*- He was a skater boy, she said see you later boyyyy, he wasn't good enough for her. :)
31. Do you wish there is something you could change about you?
*- Not really, I like myself right now :)
32. Gold or silver?
* white gold.
33. Do you like to receive flowers?
*- i love flowers, so yes.
34. Do you like surfer boys?
*- ^ no stereotype.
35. Do you dress up for holidays?
*- YES!
36. Do you like to wear dresses?
*- YES!
37. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
*- 1,043,832,349.
38. In the last 48 Hours have you hung out with a guy?
*- Besides my daddy? nope.
39. Do you wear lipstick?
*- everyday!
40. Would you date a guy shorter than you?
*- I'm not that tall lol, so i don't know.
43. Do you like to hold hands?
*- I don't really like PDA
44. What is the youngest you would date?
*- Hm, i don't rob the cradle, so..15?
45. What is the oldest you would date?
*- Probably 18.
46. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
*- EYES, deffinitly.
47. Is it hot when guys are sweaty?
*- Um, no.
48. What is the best possible feature in a boy?
*- a pretty smile.
49. Do you like making eye contact?
*- Yes, it's direct.
50. Do you ever picture your wedding dress and wedding?
*- Haha, i think every girl does.
52. Would you kill for chocolate?
*- I'm not really a chocolate fan.
53. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
*- I guess it depends.
54. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?
*- 783,478,902,378,947,819,047,893. <3
55. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows?
*- Not really.
56. Do you yell a lot?
*- Not negatively, i don't like too lol.
57. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
*- It's pretty rare to see me out in sweats, but i never go out in pajamas.
58. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
*- Nope.
59. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
*- ahahaha, nopppee!
60. What makeup could you not live w/out?
*- concealer, mascara and blush.
61. Do you fall in love easily?
*- Nope, i have walls around my heart haha.
62. Do you have cramps?
*- Nope.
63. Do you consider yourself pretty?
*- I don't.
64. Do you think guys will open this, even though it says girly questions?
*- You never know!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
8 Most worn things tag!
-lipstick/lipgloss/lip product.
-hair product/accessory
-perfume/ body spray
- handbag!
So for my most worn lip products, i couldn't choose between 2 lipsticks, a lipgloss, and a chapstick.
They are:
*Luxury Beige lipstick by Sephora

*Hue Lipstick By Mac

*Beauty Rush Lip Jellies/Glosses

* Soft Lips Lip Conditioners

My most worn earrings are just plain pearl studs, or diamond studs.
The pieces of jewelry that i wear on a daily basis are:
A pandora charm bracelet that I recieved as a gift from family for my sweet 16.

* this is just the plain bracelet, mine has 5 plain bead charms on it.
-And everyday I wear my Irish Claddaugh ring, which i also received as a gift from family.

My most worn shirts are just plain long tank tops under cardigans, which can be seen in my last haul post. They are classic and extremely comfortable.
My most worn nail polishes, (again i couldn't decide) are:
Manicurist of Seville

And Ruby Pumps by China Glaze

*My most worn shoes are just plain black flats. Flats are extremely comfortable and versatile. They can be worn with just about anything!
*My most used hair products are :
Chi 44 Iron Guard, Chi Silk Infusion, Chi InfraTreatment, &ChiInfraTreatment Shampoo. These products make my hair shiny and silky, without leaving grease!

- My most worn hair accessories are just plain scrunchies, or bows! Bows have become very popular and can be found everywhere ( with a little help from Miss. Leighton Meester).

*- My most worn Perfume/Body Sprays are:
Daisy by Marc Jacobs ( this perfume smells very sweet and fruity, while not being too overpowering, it's the perfect mix!) And the Pink body sprays!

*- And last but deffinitly not least, my most worn handbag. If you know me, you know that I am a self proclaimed purse addict! I always have huge totes!
The one that I am currently inlove with and use everyday, is:
My coach tote! This bag is huge! i use it daily. It is a tan tote with colored stripes and graffiti writing, with metallic detailing. It has 2 HUGE side pockets, a small pouch pocket on the inside, and 2 cell phone pockets, also on the inside.
So these are my 8 most worn/used things! Thanks for reading and I hope to talk to you all soon! Bye<3!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Just a quick little haul to start out!
The first store that I went to was Kohls. I really just wanted a couple of cardigans, because a cardigan can go with anything! Some of the ways to wear a cardigan could be:
-* a plain cardigan, with a white tshirt and a printed skirt.
-* a long cardigan, with an undershirt and jeans, shorts, ect.
-* a cardigan over a dress, to cover & class it up!
-* a long cardigan with leggings. ( be sure that the sweater is longer, and can cover you!)
^ these are just some quick tips on how to wear a cute cardigan sweater.
When i was at Kohls, I purchased two plain & long APT9 cardigans.
- The first one is grey, with grey buttons, front pockets and sequin detailing on the cuffs;
-*overall look :


-* Sequined detailing on the cuffs:

-* Front Pocket:

* The next cardigan is just a plain black long sweater, with black bottons and front pockets.
-*Overall Look:

-*Black Buttons:


Another thing not clothing related that i purchased at Kohls is set of 3 exfoliating soaps by earth therapeutics.

*From left to right, the scents are
- Peaches & Passion, Oatmean & honey..and Aloe Vera & Kiwi.
They all smell so delicious! I cannot wait to use them!
After Kohls, I ran into Walgreens really quick, and purchased:
* A revlon blush in the color Berry Rich. This color is really really subtle and elegant.

* the second product i purchased is a Revlon colorstay liquid eyepen in the color 01 or blackest black. What i like about this product is that it is a liquid liner, but instead of a brush, there is a felt tip applicator, which makes it really easy to apply.

So that's all for my little haul, thanks for reading and I hope to talk to you all soon! Bye!
**** Welcome to my blogspot! ****
- I attend highschool & cosmetology school
-I am an avid fashion blog/vlog reader/watcher.
-I take the field of cosmetology and fashion extremely seriously and I am hoping to persue a career in these jobs in my future.
-I am young, and have dreams.
-I appreciate everything I own.
-My family and friends mean the world to me.
-Sports? Not for me. Shopping? yes. please. Now.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to talk to alot of you soon!
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